Still Swimming Along

Just wanted to do a quick post to let everyone know I’m still alive.  I’m working on an exciting new project/announcement effecting this blog, and hope to have that up by the end of the week.  The Holidays have been fun, and while I haven’t been at work, I’ve been busy.  Part of my busyness is due to my mom being sick with Bronchitis – at least that started post-Christmas.

Exciting activities over the Holiday Break:

– Christmas!

– Picking up groceries for dinner

– Going to see Les Miserables (required at least five tissues)

– Grocery shopping

– Visiting my sister in Los Angeles

– Going to the grocery store to buy milk

– Watching half-a-season of Classic Star Trek while sick (the week before Christmas)

– Buying groceries

Going to the park with my two youngest sisters.

– Awesome New Years Eve Party.  It was Nerdtastic, complete with a Force FX Lightsaber battle in the street, lots of cookies and candy, Super Smash Brothers, and Geek Trivia.

– UPDATE: Visiting my grandparents in Long Beach.  This involved cake and ice cream, besides spending time with two awesome people.  (Thanks Mom for reminding me – see below).  This day also involved gourmet tater tots

Hope your Holidays were fun, and that you’ll come back later to find out what exciting things are in store.