Presidential Debate: Batman vs. Superman

As the school year comes, so disappears time I’ve had to work on my blog.  I’ll try to post once a week or so, in between doing this to books.

Today, in celebration of the debate, an important quandary:

Would you rather vote for Batman or Superman as President of the United States?

My brother and I had this important discussion yesterday, and here are some of our conclusions:

1. Superman is technically ineligible to run for president because he was not born in the United States. However, as Clark Kent, he has to have a falsified birth certificate in order to be employed and be considered a citizen.  Would Superman/Clark Kent lie in order to become president?

2. They would both run as their alter-egos.  This gives Batman/Bruce Wayne a substantial monetary advantage as well as greater fame than Clark Kent.  Clark Kent would have to work harder for wealthy donors, and probably would not receive campaign contributions from Lex Luthor.

3. Do we want a president who will remain honorable and true no matter what (Superman), or a president who is willing to get his hands a little dirty to get the job done (Batman)?

Join this important debate.  Who would you vote for?  What other super heroes would be good candidates?  Should Green Arrow, Green Lantern, The Green Hornet, and The Hulk form a super-Green party?  Which of the Avengers would be a good president?

My brother and I actually concluded that of the superheroes we were discussing, Iron Man/Tony Stark would actually be a good president.  He’s not the president we want, but he is the president we need.  A genius, and he’ll just make sure things are taken care of.